Thursday, January 8, 2015

Follow Up Appointment

Dad's appointment with Dr. Hamilton was pleasantly uneventful. He reviewed the diagnosis with us again to confirm that this is a aggressive cancer but that he felt confident that it was caught soon enough that it was still fully encapsulated in the kidney and has not spread. He wants Dad to follow up for xrays and a scan in 4 months. He released Dad and Mom to leave town. They are thinking Mesquite is a good, warm destination.
We love this doctor! The guy next to him isn't too bad either! Love you Dad!!!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year!

Well, Dad's recovery is going full steam ahead. He is getting up and about and has even ventured out of the house a few times. Becky took a picture of us all our to lunch but someones boys pulled faces instead of smiling so it didn't get posted...but lunch was nice. Don't know if he's ready for Wendover just yet but it's getting close.
We knew he was feeling better when he decided that it was time for their little dog to come home. Wickett was more than happy to be back with them. (The babysitters didn't let her eat table scraps or ice cream!)
He has enjoyed having lots of time to watch all the football games but is ready to return to the land of the living. He has his follow up with the Doctor on Thursday so we will keep you posted. Here's to an extremely low key, peaceful 2015!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Just your old dad calling...

I didn't realize I would miss hearing Dad on the phone so much until he called me last night. I missed the call of course. (I always miss calls) But Dad left me something close to his usual message and it was AWESOME.  He sounds really good and like he is getting back to normal. I really wanted to spend more time with him over the break but a nagging sore throat has kept me from getting too close. I certainly don't think he would enjoy getting sick right now.
He went to the doc yesterday to remove some leftover surgery goods;)  He told me he felt 100% better every day so it must have been a good visit. He and Mom seem like they are in better spirits and that gives us all a lot of hope. Hope for a happy, healthy, cancer-free new year!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Biopsy Results

Can't remember if we posted the results to his biopsy. Dr. Hamilton said it was a Stage T3 Urothelial Carcinoma. It was into the tissue of the kidney but it didn't get any farther. The lymph system is not involved and it has not metastisized. He said it is an aggressive cancer that needs to be watched closely but he can see Dad living a good healthy life now that it is out. He did not suggest chemo or radiation.
We kept Christmas pretty low key this year but Dad was happy to have us all over for lunch and gifts. He is getting around a little easier and feeling better each day. Thank you for your visits and phone calls as they break up his days a little.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Monday, December 22, 2014

Rough Night

Dad had a rough night after such a good day, but by morning he was doing better. He is walking and drinking and sitting up and trying to behave so he can get better. Go Dad! You can do this!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

It's Real

I didn't dare write anything until it was real, but WE ARE HOME!!! Dad did awesome all day and handled my scary driving and the bumps and pot holes really well. He is home and looking great. Mom has a little bit of a deer in the headlights look but I'm sure she will be fine now that she's home. We will still update occasionally as needed but thank you again for caring about us and our Dad.